4月29日下午,为期一天半的第二届中法高等工程教育研讨会在东莞理工学院圆满闭幕。本次研讨会以“推动中法交流合作 培养卓越工程人才”为主题,邀请了18位中法两国高等教育界的专家与学者,聚焦中法合作办学和创新人才培养,分别做了18个精彩的报告。
The 2nd Sino-French Seminar on Higher Engineering Education, which lasted for one and a half days, concluded on the afternoon of April 29 at DGUT. With “Promoting Sino-French Exchange and Cooperation to Train Outstanding Engineering Talents” as the theme, the seminar invited 18 higher education experts and scholars from China and France deliver 18 impressive speeches on Sino-French joint education and creative talent training.

参会专家与学者站在中外合作办学实践的高度,着眼工程师人才培养全过程,深入围绕创业教育实践、专业融合创新、培养体系创新、实践模式创新、办学特色凝练等议题,进行了富有价值的研讨,提出了鲜明独到的见解。其中,北京航空航天大学中法工程师学院院长洪冠新分享了共建ECP工程实践模式的主要举措,华中科技大学中欧清洁与可再生能源学院院长罗小兵分享了新能源学科研究生国际化人才培养模式探索与实践,上海交通大学巴黎卓越工程师学院法方院长Frederic Toumazet分享了办学十年中不断革新的主要做法,中山大学中法核工程与技术学院院长王为分享了他们的人才培养体系,东莞理工学院法国国立工艺学院联合学院执行院长尹玲分享了面向大湾区智能制造国际化工程人才培养探索与实践等等。这些实践经验的分享,对推动和完善中外合作办学的发展有着非常积极的启发作用。
From the perspective of Sino-foreign joint education practices, the experts and scholars held valuable discussions and proposed unique insights on topics such as the complete training process of engineering talent, entrepreneurship education practice, specialty integration innovation, training system innovation, practice mode innovation, and enhancing of school-operation characteristics. Among the experts and scholars, Hong Guanxin, Dean of the Sino-French Engineer School of Beihang University, shared the main measures related to the co-development of the ECP engineering practice model. Luo Xiaobing, Dean of the Sino-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, shared the explorations and practices related to the international talent training model for new energy graduate students. Frederic Toumazet, the French Dean of the SJTU-Paris Elite Institute of Technology, shared the main initiatives related to continuous innovation in school operations over the past 10 years. Wang Wei, Dean of IFCEN, shared information on IFCEN’s talent training system. Yin Ling, Executive Dean of the DGUT-CNAM Institute, shared the explorations and practices related to international engineering talent training for intelligent manufacturing, oriented toward the Greater Bay Area. The sharing of these practical experiences had a highly positive effect on promoting and improving the development of Sino-foreign joint education.

Yang Minlin, member of the Party Committee and Vice-President of DGUT delivered the closing speech, where, he expressed his sincere appreciation to the members of the Sino-French Alliance for Higher Education Development Cooperation for their participation in this seminar. He remarked that members of the Sino-French Alliance not only exchanged ideas and shared practices during the seminar, but also enhanced understanding and realized shared values. The seminar enabled them to have a deeper and broader understanding of their peers by sharing their respective development statuses and discussing the problems and challenges they faced. The seminar not only led to ideation but also enhanced mutual understanding, laying a solid foundation for mutual support in the process of operating schools in the future. As he concluded his speech, he once again thanked all the experts and scholars for their impressive speeches and sharing of valuable experiences and looked forward to seeing them again at the next seminar.

During the seminar, it was mentioned by the host’s representative that the seminar coincided with the 30th anniversary of DGUT and the successful completion of the first cycle of operating the DGUT-CNAM Institute, which led to an assessment on joint education. DGUT and CNAM successfully held the 2nd Sino-French Seminar on Higher Engineering Education, which not only highlighted the important position of the DGUT-CNAM Institute in international education and created a good academic atmosphere for the 30th anniversary of DGUT, but also fully demonstrated the achievements and soft power of Sino-foreign cooperation in education and further improved the level of education opening to the outside world.